The Impellizzeri Lab research activities involve the discovery and applications of macro- and nanostructured materials.
Our research pushes the boundaries of contemporary physical, organic and materials chemistry.

Post Doctoral Fellowship in Fluorescence and Plasmonics Microscopy
The successful applicant will be working on applying single molecule fluorescence microscopy and super-resolution microscopy techniques to study: i) the interactions between plasmonic metal nanoparticles and fluorescent probes (e.g., metal-enhanced fluorescence, plasmon-controlled fluorescence etc.), ii) single-molecule approaches to interrogate and understand the function and dynamics of heterogenous catalysis by nanoparticles, and iii) the behaviour of fluorescent nanostructures at the nanoscale.
The following qualifications and skills are required:
PhD in Physical Materials Chemistry or equivalent.
Knowledge of photochemistry and photophysics.
Experience with steady-state UV-vis and fluorescence spectroscopy.
Experience in heterogenous catalysis.
Experience with confocal fluorescence microscopy.
Experience with total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy.
Ability to perform image analysis and processing (e.g., ImageJ/Fiji).
The following backgrounds are considered an asset or highly desirable:
Experience with super-resolution microscopy techniques.
Experience with electron microscopy (SEM and/or TEM).
Knowledge of MATLAB.
Experience with live cell imaging.
Our expectation is that you will be:
Communicating effectively and promptly through weekly reports and timely response to emails (i.e., within 24 hr during the work week).
Currently knowledgeable or willing to learn about best practices in equity, diversity, and inclusivity.
Living in (or willing to move to) Toronto or the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario.
Able to work in Canada.
What you can expect from us:
Guaranteed salary at 48K for at least 2 years, with the possibility of extension.
A flexible work environment (in consultation with Dr. Stefania Impellizzeri).
The opportunity to collaborate with biology and biomedical science researchers in an interdisciplinary setting.
Inclusive work environment where everyone is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusivity, including implementation of best practices, team education and training activities.
The opportunity to present at conferences and publish your research.
How to apply
Email your application to Prof. Stefania Impellizzeri at simpellizzeri@torontomu.ca
In the subject line indicate: “PDF Application_Fluorescence and Plasmonics Microscopy” and upload the following:
Cover letter detailing your expertise/experience, how you meet the above qualification requirements, and your motivation for applying for this job. Ensure you highlight any experience working in the field of fluorescence microscopy applied to nanomaterials and plasmonics.
Curriculum Vitae.
Contact information of three professional references. Note: we will inform you before we contact them so you can make them aware. We will only ask for references for short-listed candidates.